Customer rep
  • 05 Oct 2023
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Customer rep

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Article Summary

Customer representative / Account manager is an extension that allows you to designate an employee as the account manager for a specific customer.
In addition to placing the customer manager on the customer card, it can be set per order, e.g. whether a specific order should have a different account manager than the one the customer card is set up with.

You can also filter on the account manager both on kundeoversikten and on ordrefilter.


The extension is available to anyone who uses the "Avansert forhandlerløsning" and you can activate it yourself under "Apps > Innstillinger"


Customer card

Inside the customer card you can, under Other, put the account manager.
Remember to save customer cards after the change.


The account manager is automatically added to new orders if an account manager is placed on the customer card.
This can be changed for each individual order if desired.
If the store wants to changethe account manager permanently, it must be done from the customer side.

If an order is placed by a customer without a sales representative, the drop-down menu will be empty. It can be updated for each order.

Order filter

In order filter (Process orders > Filter), you can use the account manager as a criterion when filtering.
This will only show orders that have the account manager selected.

Customer overview


In the customer overview you can under + Filter select "Account manager". The overview will then only show customers who have chosen the account manager on their customer card.

The account manager filter can of course be combined with other filters.

Column wise

If you want to see the account manager in the overview, this can be selected under View

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