How to add meta content for SEO
  • 05 Oct 2023
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How to add meta content for SEO

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Article Summary

This article introduces you to what meta content is, why you should use it, and how to add it to the different pages of your online store.

What is meta content?

Meta content is used to describe the content of the various pages in your online shop. This is to make it understandable for search engines, such as Google, what content is on the various pages. If you write good meta content, it can also appear in the search results - which gives you the opportunity to influence how the online store appears in the search results field. 

Example of what meta content looks like in Google search results:


You can add meta title and meta description to several different pages of your online store – on the front page, category pages, manufacturer pages, and product pages. It is important that meta content for each page is unique in order for search engines to distinguish the different pages. 

  • Meta title should consist of 50-60 characters 
  • Meta description should be 70-160 characters long

To add meta content to the cover page 

  1. Log in to your Control Panel
  2. Select Configuration > General
  3. On the Title bar front page, enter the  desired meta title for your online store
  4. On the Meta description front page , enter the desired meta description for your online store
  5. Click Save changes


PS! The title bar front page will also be visible in the tab of your online store. 


To add meta content to category pages

  1. Log in to your Control Panel
  2. Select product catalogue > products 
  3. Find the main or subcategory you want to add meta content and click on the pencil
  4. Click on Meta Description
  5. Enter the desired meta title and meta description


How to add meta content to producer pages

  1. Log in to your Control Panel
  2. Tap Product catalogue > Manufacturers
  3. Find the desired manufacturer and click Edit
  4. Enter the desired text; Meta title and meta description
  5. Click Save

How to embed meta content on product pages

  1. Log in to your Control Panel
  2. Tap Product catalogue > Products 
  3. Find the desired product and select Edit
  4. Find the tab called SEO
  5. Add the text you want in the Title and Description fields
  6. Feel free to use the Keywords field as a checklist to ensure that you include the most important words in the title and description
  7. Click Update Product


Add alt text to banner images

On the banner images, you also have the option to add extra information, called alternate captions. The text will not be visible in the webshop itself, but its purpose is to include those who cannot see the image for various reasons. In addition, the alt text helps search engines understand what's on the banner image.

Here's how to do it: 

  1. Log in to your Control Panel
  2. Choose Design > Your Design 
  3. Click Design Settings
  4. Select the banner you want, for example Banner A1
  5. Under Alt Text , type the text that you want
  6. Click Save Settings

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