The POS app
  • 05 Oct 2023
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The POS app

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Article Summary

This article discusses updating the data box app, as well as information about slowdowns and unstable internet connection.


It is important that both your iPad runs on the latest versions of iOS and that the Mystore Data Box is up to date.
In many cases, software updates fix bugs related to the user experience and avoid future problems related to outdated software.

To check if there are any available software updates, do the following:

Datakasse app

  1. Tap the App Store icon on your iPad.
  2. Tap on their icon in the top right corner.
  3. You will then get a new page, here you can either scroll down and find the Data Box app or press "update all"

iOS update

  1. Tap the "Settings" icon on your iPad (Settings).
  2. Tap on "General > Update"
  3. Update iOS to the latest version

Automatic updates

To make it easier to keep your software up to date, you should check that automatic updates are turned on in your iPad's main settings.
If this option is turned on, all software updates will be done in the background without you having to do anything. 

To turn on automatic updates on your iPad:

  1. Tap the "Settings" icon on your iPad (Settings).
  2. Tap App Store.
  3. Under Automatic Downloads, make sure "App Updates" is set on.


If you find that the Mystore Datakasse app works slowly or locks up, you can try the following:

  1. Tap the main menu in the upper-left corner of the data box app (three horizontal bars)
  2. Tap Settings > Other
  3. Press "Clear cache" to the right of "clear all saved data"

This is what we call a soft reset, this removes as the text describes all stored data.
The app then removes information and retrieves it so that the software will function as intended.

If you're still experiencing slowdowns, try the following:

  1. Press your iPad's Home button twice to display all the apps that are running.
  2. Swipe left or right to find the Mystore Data Box app.
  3. Once you've found the Mystore Data Box app, swipe it upward to remove it from the list and force it to quit.
  4. Press the Home button again on your iPad.
  5. Go to "Settings" on your iPad
  6. Scroll down on the left side until you find "Data Box"
  7. Activate the "Reset Store" option and press the home button on your iPad
  8. Open the data box app, log in and connect to the terminal.

This is what we call a hard reset, here all data related to the app is removed and goes deeper than what soft reset does.

Unstable internet connection

If the screen of your data box is white or you get an error message regarding a poor internet connection, try the following:

  1. Try rebooting your network router, unplugging the power for 30 seconds, and plugging the power back in.
  2. Open and see if you have an internet connection.
  3. If you still can't connect, try connecting your iPad to a shared mobile network.

Contact your internet service provider if you can connect to the mobile network and not the broadband.

If you can't connect to either mobile network or broadband, try the following:

  1. Press your iPad's Home button twice to display all the apps that are running.
  2. Swipe left or right to find the Mystore Data Box app.
  3. Once you've found the Mystore Data Box app, swipe it upward to remove it from the list and force it to quit.
  4. Press the Home button again on your iPad.
  5. Go to "Settings" on your iPad
  6. Scroll down on the left side until you find "Data Box"
  7. Activate the "Reset Store" option and press the home button on your iPad
  8. Open the data box app, log in and connect to the terminal.

Contact customer support if it still doesn't work.


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