The look of the online store
  • 05 Oct 2023
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The look of the online store

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Article Summary

In this article, we'll give you some useful tips to improve the design and usability of your online store. By implementing the following recommendations, you can create a better experience for your customers and increase your chances of sales.

Selling points (callouts)

Selling points, also known as callouts, are important in convincing customers to shop with you. We recommend including up to three selling points in the top line. Choose arguments that appeal to your target audience and show the value of shopping with you. Examples of good selling points can be "Safe shopping", "Fast shipping", "Fast delivery" and "Personal service". Keep the text short so that it fits on one line.

Callouts are added to the control panel by going to Design > Your Design > Design Settings > Top Bar and Menu > Top Bar 

Product image optimization

Before uploading product images to your online store, you should optimize them. The recommended image size is 1200x1200 pixels. The aspect ratio between width and height is not decisive, as long as the images have the same proportions. It's also important to ensure that images are within a recommended file size between 30 and 100KB to avoid negatively impacting load time.

Check out a detailed article for tips on good product photos.

Main categories

The main categories of your online store should be easy to navigate and help customers find what they're looking for. Choose category names that clearly describe the contents of each category. We recommend having between 6 and 8 main categories that fit on one line.

"Offers", "News" and "Badges" are popular main categories and should be visible in your online store. These are added to the control panel by going to Design > Your Design > Design Settings > Top Bar and Menu > Mega Menu

Category name

Use category names that make it easy for customers to find products with the fewest clicks possible. For example, you might have the "Home Appliances" category as your main category, and then subcategories like "Dryer", "Washing Machine", and "Refrigerator". Make sure the category names are descriptive and accurately reflect the content.

This article explains how to create categories and subcategories. 

Category descriptions

Write good and unique descriptions for each category in your online store. Describe what's in the category, including products, brands, and any recommendations. Keep descriptions short, usually between two and five lines. Also, make sure that the descriptions display well on mobile so that customers don't have to scroll a lot to find the products.

Remember to check how the descriptions will look on mobile. It's appropriate for some products to be visible below the top description so customers don't have to scroll too far before finding your products.

Read this article that explains how to add category descriptions.

Banner images 

The banner images on the front page of your online store are important for attracting customers' attention. Create banner images that target popular brands, categories, or product pages. Make sure your banner images have a clean and professional design, with the same style, color profile, size, and font.

Follow the recommended image sizes as specified in the Control Panel.

Image size (KB)

Image size has a lot to say about the loading time of your online store. All images used in the webshop should therefore be optimized before they are uploaded to the website. The general recommendation for image size in an online store is a maximum of a couple of hundred KB in size - preferably somewhere between 30 and 100 KB. 

Banner images are added to control panels by navigating to Design > Your Design > Design Settings > Banner Images

There are image editors where you can easily produce, among other things, ad banners. Feel free to check out these two: or

Bottom Line/Top Line

Include important pages such as Terms of Sale, Privacy Policy, Contact Us and About Us in the bottom line and top line of your online store. These pages provide necessary information and create trust with customers. Enable the bottom line and top bar in the control panel under "Design" and "Main Menu/Content".

Bottom Line and Top Bar pages can be enabled in the Control Panel by navigating to Design > Main Menu/Content

Link to social media channels in the bottom line

If you're active on social media sites like Facebook and Instagram, you should add links to these in your bottom line. This helps verify the content of the online store and builds loyalty among customers.

Social media links are added to the control panel by going to Design > Your Design > Design Settings > Bottom Line > Social Media

About-us page

Don't underestimate the importance of an "About Us" page in your online store. This page gives you the opportunity to profile your store and share visions, stories and employee photos that create trust and personality. Make sure your site is easy to find, especially for new customers. It should also contain all the necessary information that a curious customer might have.

You can choose to display the "About-us" page both in the top bar and in the bottom bar under "Design" > "Main Menu/Content".


By implementing these tips, your online store will become more user-friendly and attractive to customers. Be sure to use the Control Panel to make the necessary changes to the design and settings. Good luck with your online store!


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